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Benjamin Parker


Benjamin Parker

Palms submerged in the lottery of life

clung to hope, desire and rigged chances. 

A notion embedded: to push back against the current

whilst others are granted more rope. 

To bury our heads in the scorching grains,

with no promise of kindness or air. 


Persistence is demanded and rejected,

sustaining an illusion of ease.  

A monument constructed for turmoil past,

casting shadows upon tears at our feet. 

An existence entwined with the battle,

a dice that leans to the left. 


As morning laughter erodes the stain of the night,

the weight of fortune surrounds me.

Memories untethered from chance,

the smiles that soften each journey. 

Blistered soles kiss the breath of the shore, 

preparing, once again, for the waves.


Benjamin Parker is a poet based in North Wales with works published in publications such as 'The Uncoiled', 'Free Verse Revolution', and 'Nawr Mag'. Benjamin graduated with First-Class Honours in English Literature and Creative Writing at the Open University and is now studying an MA in English Literature. 


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